To Our WBC Family Across Canada, Thank You

The entire Wheelchair Basketball Canada (WBC) team would like to thank you, our community, for the support you have shown us this year. You have shown up for us financially, helping to cover costs associated with the changes 2020 brought. You supported our athletes with messages and notes of encouragement through social media. You participated in our virtual events, proving that we can still feel a sense of community in a country as large as Canada.

Our goal, which we identified very early in the great 2020 upheaval, was to sustain a dialogue with you – to maintain a community amid cancelled sporting events and social distancing protocols. We hope our intentions reached you as we certainly felt you were with us.

As we returned to training this fall, ensuring to keep the health of our athletes, coaches, and staff at the forefront, we took the opportunity to flex creatively. We launched virtual coaching sessions and one-on-one coach time. We sent training packages including equipment to our remote athletes and shared videos so they could maintain their training at home (more on our teams and their training milestones later in December).

Planning never stopped for us as you will learn on Thursday, when we share a big announcement that has kept us busy this year. Please be sure to tune into our Facebook page at 10am ET to capture the news in real time.

As 2020 comes to a close we are thinking less about how great it is to see this year come to a close and more about the hope and anticipation of an upcoming Paralympic year. It is our hope that you will remain with us as we face new challenges in preparation for these exciting games.

Thank you #GivingTuesdayCA for providing an extra opportunity to say thanks!

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