WBC Welcomes Michele Dion as Event Manager

Wheelchair Basketball Canada (WBC) is pleased to welcome Michele Dion to the organization in the role of Event Manager. Dion will serve as a key member of the organizing committee for the IWBF 2026 World Wheelchair Basketball Championships.

Dion has more than 15 years of experience working at various levels in the Canadian sports system, including time with Canada Soccer, Ottawa Sports and Entertainment, the University of Ottawa, and most recently, Atlético Ottawa.

“I’m thrilled to join the team at WBC and help them prepare for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Dion. “As a basketball person, I was excited to hear that Ottawa would be hosting the 2026 World Championships, and I feel privileged to now have a hand in making this a reality. I look forward to contributing to this major event, hosting the world in our Nation’s Capital, and hopefully leave a lasting legacy for the sport of Wheelchair Basketball in Canada and Ottawa.”

Dion previously worked with WBC during the bid process for the IWBF 2026 World Wheelchair Basketball Championships.

Based in Ottawa, Dion will be responsible for assisting WBC’s senior leadership with logistical and operational requirements for the event. Dion is a graduate of Université Laval where she studied Public Communications and Advertising. She also earned a certificate in Sports Industry Essentials from Columbia University.

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