Bethany Johnson

Place of Birth: Winnipeg, Man.
Resides: Winnipeg, Man.
Birthday: 29-11-2001
Occupation: Student
Club(s): University of Illinois
Classification: 4.0


Bethany Johnson first started playing wheelchair basketball after developing a hip condition at eight years old. During the summer between Grades 7 and 8, Johnson experienced a slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

Following her first hip surgery, Johnson was introduced to wheelchair basketball twice.

Johnson’s physiotherapist, Darren Bittner, who played wheelchair basketball for Team Manitoba, suggested she try the game. Then, the following week, Johnson’s gym teacher introduced her class to wheelchair basketball.

Interesting Facts

  • Johnson has represented Team Manitoba in canoe-kayak.
  • She attended the University of Manitoba, where she was a kinesiology major.
  • Johnson currently attends the University of Illinois.
  • She was an avid curler growing up.

Career Notes

2023: Silver medal at 2023 Parapan American Games in Santiago, Chile.

2023: Sixth at U25 Women’s World Championship

2023: Fourth at the Canada Winter Games

2022: Fifth at the Junior National Championship

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